An anthology feature film created by Ben Bergeron & Colin Ziraldo. Over the course of one year, the two young filmmakers joined forces with a variety of other creatives, including actors, writers, guest directors and technical crew, to create 1 short film every month to be collected in the anthology.
The festival featured a range of short films from talented young filmmakers, grouped by age. Explore innovative works from the 15-17, 18-21, and 22-24 year old age groups across three blocks of films. It included live performances and an inspiring keynote session.
A wild and sleepless yet creative competition weekend, in which teams compete to make the best short fiction film in 48 hours, using a genre, prop and line assigned for your city. This world wide project came to Ottawa in November of 2024!
An ongoing project, our producer meets with artists from all disciplines, discussing a variety of topics. This is a research project, podcast and a way for Sol One to connect to the Ottawa arts community and find ways to us to stay involved and support local artists.
Sol One contracted 20today 20tomorrow and the Novas group to research opportunities for youth arts programming in Ottawa and how Sol One could support youth arts.