Performing Arts | Community Engagement | Youth Arts

Welcome to Sol One Productions

Creating opportunities for youth and professional artists to learn from each other through mentorships in both education and production settings. Sol One focuses on theatre production, the performing arts and creating more collaborations between artists. 
Sol One Productions

The 48 Hour Film Project

The world wide celebration of film comes to Ottawa this fall

The 48 takes place on different weekends in different cities throughout the year. In each city local Film Teams—from beginners to pro's--compete to make a short film in only a weekend! The 48 Hour is coming to Ottawa! Sol One Productions and Hot Shoe Productions have been approved as city producers for this project and will be co-presenting it in November of 2024.

Sol One Productions

1000 Meals with 1000 Artists

Our Producer is getting to know the Ottawa arts community by sharing meals at local restaurants with local artists.

Take a look at all the amazing stories our Producer is collecting with his plans to share a meal with 1000 Artists. This project is a chance to learn more about their art and what resources artists feel they need to fully support their creativity. 

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More On Sol One Arts Inc.

Sol One has three main areas of focus: Arts Presentations, Youth Arts Programming and Community Growth. Learn more about each of our areas of focus below.

Sol One

Arts Presentation 

Theatre productions, films screenings and other arts presentations will be at the heart of Sol One as we connect young emerging artists with professionals in a production setting. 

Sol One

Youth Arts

Sol One is a hub for youth engagement through Arts and Culture. We are committed to amplifying the creativity of youth under the age of 30. 

Sol One

Community Growth

Education projects, community projects and other ways we plan to connect with and grow with our community. 

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